Easy Watercolor Landscape Ideas for Beginners

If you’re new to watercolor landscape painting, and you are searching for some easy watercolor landscape ideas to practice your skills without being overwhelmed, then you are not alone. It can be frustrating when looking for place to begin.

That is why I have compiled a couple of easy watercolor landscape ideas for beginners to try out and practice. Hope it helps!

All of the watercolor landscape ideas mentioned below have step-by-step tutorials which have been simplified for beginners.

Watercolor Landscape Tutorial

This watercolor landscape tutorial was written specifically with beginners in mind. The color mixes aren’t too complicated and the scene is simplified to not overwhelm you.

In this tutorial, you will practice the basic techniques of wet on wet, wet on dry, building layers, lifting, and dropping. There is also a video to help visualise the explanations if you prefer.

watercolor landscape tutorial for beginners

The Green Field Landscape tutorial below is also a good option for beginners. You will practice basic color mixing skills, wet on wet and wet on dry techniques.

You’ll also learn key tips to add depth to your landscape paintings and dry on dry techniques to add texture.

With both video and written versions to make it easy for you to follow along and paint this scene:

Green Watercolor Field Landscape

Loose Landscape

This loose watercolor landscape is perfect for beginners! The scene is simplified and you get to explore mixing grays with watercolor and creating feathery textures using the wet on wet techniques.

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Dramatic watercolor Landscape

This tutorial is similar to the one above, however in this tutorial you get to practice step-by-step, how to paint trees and foliage with watercolors. You will also learn how to paint a dramatic watercolor sky as well as mixing grays and muting colors.

Check it out here: dramatic watercolor landscape

Watercolor Seascapes

Seascapes are a lot of fun to paint. In this tutorial, you will focus on painting clouds in the sky, and palm trees. This tutorial has both a written version with images and explanations as well as a video to follow along if you get confused.

Click here to check it out: Simple Watercolor Seascape Tutorial

Easy Watercolor Meadow

The color mixes for this one are simple, making it perfect for those of you just starting out. This tutorial uses basic wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry and dry-brush techniques. Each stage is simplified so that you can follow along.

Check it out here: Simple Watercolor Meadow Tutorial

Watercolor Mountain landscapes

Watercolor mountains can be a challenge, which is why I compiled a list of “key tips” to help you paint different types of watercolor mountains. In this post, you will learn how to paint foggy mountains, mountains in the distance, and snowy mountains. Along with the main concepts to consider for each.

Check it out here: Watercolor mountain tutorial

watercolor mountain tutorial

To show you how to implement the concepts from the watercolor mountain tutorial you can practice with this loose watercolor mountain landscape. This tutorial will help you practice building layers, and how to paint the right details to capture the illusion/essence of the scene instead of overworking.

Check it out here: Watercolor Mountain Field Scenery

watercolor mountain field landscape tutorial

Watercolor Sunset Tutorials

Below you can see an easy quick beginner watercolor sunset scene. If you’re looking for a quick watercolor landscape that is simple and uses basic techniques and fewer color mixes then this is the tutorial for you.

This is an easy sunset landscape tutorial

Watercolor boats can be intimidating for a beginner, so why not start with painting one in a silhouette? In the tutorial below you’ll learn how to paint a sunset on the water.

Check it out here: boat at sunset landscape tutorial

Flower Fields

I found this next one to be very enjoyable! In this tutorial, we will explore using complementing colors (red and green) as well as painting a simple watercolor tree step-by-step.

Simple field of flowers tutorial for beginners

In this next landscape you’ll learn how to paint watercolor cloudy skies, how to paint the details on a field in the distance and of course how to portray a large number of flowers.

Check it out here: Flower field in a storm tutorial

There are 12 easy watercolor landscape ideas for beginners! Hopefully, by now you’ve found a watercolor tutorial to follow along and are ready to grab your paints and brushes!

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